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2022 March - Research Meetings Outreach Grant

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The Outreach Grant Program provides funding for workshops, symposia, and meetings organized by AAA members, either as stand-alone activities or under the umbrella of other national or international societies. Supported activities may either be educational—such as anatomy workshops for high school students—or scientific. Targeted audiences include researchers, educators, and students at all levels. 

Funding is available to support non-AAA workshops, symposia, or meetings organized by AAA members. Preference will be given to research areas viewed as AAA strategic priorities—imaging, cellular and molecular anatomy, neurobiology, systems biology, and vertebrate development. Some preference will be given to programs that use the funds for student/ postdoc/ early career investigator travel fellowships. 

AAA may select one meeting each year as deserving of ongoing support over a three-year period.  AAA may choose one such meeting a year so that in a given year, up to three such meetings will be supported.