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If this is your first time using the American Association for Anatomy Awards and Proposal submission site you will need to complete the registration process the first time you apply for an award, submit an abstract or session proposal, or apply for a committee.

EURekA EDI Undergraduate Research Award

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The EURekA Award is presented to an underrepresented minority undergraduate student interested in research at this early critical stage by better preparing them for graduate training, or as a springboard to employment in science and health research fields, including scientific outreach and medical education.

Application Content

The application package should include:

  • Research statement from the student (1 page).
  • Description of project + future career ambitions.
  • Applicant’s CV.
  • Proof that the student is in good standing at the university (e.g. transcripts).

Additional Materials:

  • Letter of support from supervisor/mentor; include a statement outlining research environment. (Mentor will be required to upload the document using the portal)


Undergraduate students who self-identify as an underrepresented minority are eligible for this award.


$5,000 for each student awarded and will be administered by the host institution.  Awards will consist of a $3,000 research stipend and up to $2,000 reimbursable travel support to offset travel expenses to attend the AAA annual conference, must submit an abstract to the Annual Meeting to be eligible for travel support.  AAA membership dues and Annual Meeting registration waived in the year awarded.pvaughan@anatomy.org