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If this is your first time using the American Association for Anatomy Awards and Proposal submission site you will need to complete the registration process the first time you apply for an award, submit an abstract or session proposal, or apply for a committee.

2023 Committee Application

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Application Deadline is February 28, 2022.

Opportunities are currently available to serve on the following committees:

Click on the committee name to view the full scope. Please be sure to review all the requirements before applying to be considered for a position.

The Human Body Donation Committee (HBDC) - 4 open positions - 3 year terms
Current Chair: Joy Balta

Previously a task force, the HBDC was formed to increasing awareness about whole body donation for education and research. The committee advocates for body donor best interests; develops and contributes to best practices; informs policymakers and regulatory efforts and supports legal and ethical program operations and activities for educators, researchers, body donors and the public at large/our communities.

The Publications Committee - 2 open positions - 3 year terms
Current Chair:  Kem Rogers

The Publications Committee has primary responsibility for oversight of the organization’s three journals — Anatomical Sciences Education, Developmental Dynamics, and The Anatomical Record — as well as managing relationships with journal editors and publisher, Wiley.