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2024 Predoctoral Fellowship

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  • Must be a current member at the time of application and expected to remain a member throughout the duration of the fellowship.
  • Must be in first year of first master's degree program or 2nd or 3rd year of doctoral degree.  
  • Project must be relevant to the anatomical sciences or anatomy education that is within the scope and rigor of one of the AAA family journals


Application Materials from the Mentee

  • CV or NIH-Style biosketch (max. 5 pages)
  • The Application package should include Research Proposal including the following (max. 3 pages)
    • Specific Aims and (if applicable) hypotheses
    • Background and rationale
    • Preliminary data/progress to-date (if applicable)
    • Research design and approach
  • Background and goals for fellowship training (max. 2 pages) 
    • Background: Describe any past research  experience or any other relevant experience to the current application
    • Training goals and objectives: Address overall training goals, how the fellowship will help your professional development.
  • Research training Plan (max. 2 pages)
    • Relate research to your career goals
    • Explain the relationship between the applicant's research on the fellowship award and the mentor's ongoing research program.
    • Should be tailored to your experience and allows you to develop career advancing skills.
  • Letters of Recommendation (2 required) 
    • Letters must be from individuals who are not primary research advisor, but can speak of the research and potential of the applicant.
  • Letter from the Department Chair (or advisor)
    • This letter must attest the status of the student and departmental support (if any)
  • Facilities, environment, and other resources (max. 1 page) 
    • How the research site contributes to the probability of success, like institutional support, physical resources, and intellectual rapport. 
  • Institutional commitment to training (max. 1 page) 
    • Describe the graduate program, including coursework requirements, teaching requirements (if any), dissertation guidelines, and any other relevant departmental requirements.
  • Selection of sponsor and institution (max. 0.5 page) 
    • Rationale for the choice of the institution and the sponsor
  • Respective contribution (max. 0.5 page) 
    • Indicate your contribution to current research project
  • Responsible conduct of research (max. 0.5 page)
    • Provide available training and student participation requirement. 
  • If applicable, a brief statement describing protection of human subjects or vertebrate animals (max 1 page)

*Formatting requirements for letters of support

  • No more than 500 words
  • Must include institutional or professional letterhead (if available)
  • Must include name, title, department, and institution of reference writer
  • Must include applicant's full name

**Formatting requirements for application materials

  • Standard 8.5 x 11-inch page size
  • No smaller than 11-point font Arial (10-point font may be used for footnotes, figure captions, and text within figures)
  • No smaller than 0.5-inch margins

Application Materials from the Mentor/Advisor/Sponsor

  • CV or NIH-style biosketch (max. 5 pages)
  • Sponsor statement (max. 3 pages)
    • Current research support
    • Previous experience with trainees
    • Training plan for the mentee
    • Number of trainees supervised
    • Trainee's qualifications and potential for a professional career