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Anatomy Training Program Applications - 2024-2025

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The Anatomical Society's Anatomy Training Program is co-sponsored by AAA. This intense program is intended to provide vocational training to those involved in teaching anatomy, who have not had much exposure to either human anatomy or clinical experience.

Criteria and Eligibility

The program is designed to help you in all aspects of your professional development, by integrating anatomy training and pedagogical skills with your biomedical research program. (Alternatively, a faculty candidate who served his/her institution in other ways acceptable to that institution would not need a biomedical research program.)

By individualizing your anatomy training, you'll be able to fit in in to the ebb and flow of your biomedical research. You may train in each of the four modules or choose only the ones that fit your career plans. The centralized online resource and course syllabus allow you to work with a mentor at your home institution at your own pace. Mentors and trainees then gather for a one-week intensive summer course in England to solidify the concepts developed at home and qualify for a certificate of training. 

The at home portion of the program begins September 1 after you are accepted. 

Applicants must be an AAA member 1 year prior to applying and remain a member for the duration of the program. 

Application Materials Required:

  • Applicant CV (NIH 4-page biosketch format)
  • Applicant personal statement
  • Mentors' CV (NIH 4-page biosketch format)
  • Mentors' Teaching Portfolio
  • 1-page summary of dissection facilities specifically available to the applicant
  • 1-page summary of specific teaching opportunities the applicant will be engaged in
  • Letter of approval signed by Department Head and Biomedical Research Advisor

Preference will be given to those with some experience in anatomy and a commitment to teaching, but have primarily trained in a biomedical field other than anatomy.

Review the following modules prior to applying for the program:

There are 2 components to the program: 

Training at Home

  • Self-directed learning under the guidance of a mentor who teaches anatomy at your institution
  • The program provides a syllabus, online learning aids and tutorials
  • You need to have the opportunity to practice your skills in the classes that your mentor teaches

1-week intensive Residential School 

  • Takes place in England over the summer (typically in mid-July)
  • Run by a team of anatomists with support from clinicians
  • Your admission to the Residential School will depend upon your satisfactory completion of the yearly program, as determined by the Steering Committee in light of your mentor's assessment of your progress.