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2024 Postdoc Fellowship

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The Postdoctoral Fellowship Program is intended to provide salary support to members who are postdoctoral trainees working in any aspect of biology relevant to the anatomical sciences. AAA will provide $20,000, plus travel support and registration fee (at early registration rate) to the next appropriate AAA Annual Meeting. The postdoc’s laboratory must supplement this stipend with funds that equal or exceed the NIH standard salary support for postdoctoral fellows. In addition, the laboratory must provide funds for health insurance for the postdoctoral fellow.


  • Applicants must be a current member and are expected to remain a member for the duration of the fellowship.
  • Candidates should be working on a research project encompassing any aspect of biology that is relevant to the anatomical sciences. Approaches can include (but are not limited to): cellular, molecular, genetic, or histological techniques, and/or emphasize development, evolution, morphology or human health.
  • Candidate should have all requirements of doctoral degree completed at the time of submission of fellowship application.