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Fellows Grant Award Program

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The Fellows Grant Award Program (FGAP) will support proposals submitted to national or international funding agencies (e.g., NIH, NSF) that were scored, and generally well-received, but did not receive funding. The awards of $25,000 each are available this year for either established or young investigators who have submitted a peer-reviewed grant application to a major funding sponsor within the last 15 months and received a full review, but were not funded.

As a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering scientific research, education, and the dissemination of scientific information, it is our policy not to pay overhead or indirect costsThe Fellows Grant Award Program (FGAP) will support proposals submitted to national or international funding agencies (e.g., NIH, NSF) that were scored, and generally well-received, but did not receive funding. The awards of $25,000 each are available this year for either established or young investigators who have submitted a peer-reviewed grant application to a major funding sponsor within the last 15 months and received a full review, but were not funded.

As a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering scientific research, education, and the dissemination of scientific information, it is our policy not to pay overhead or indirect costs