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If this is your first time using the American Association for Anatomy Awards and Proposal submission site you will need to complete the registration process the first time you apply for an award, submit an abstract or session proposal, or apply for a committee.

Henry Gray Educator Award - 2017

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AAA's highest education medal is for human anatomy education in the anatomical sciences as broadly defined—including gross anatomy, embryology, histology, and neuroanatomy—at the medical/dental, graduate, or undergraduate level of teaching. The recipient is presented with a plaque and a $4,000 honorarium, and is asked to to present a lecture at the Annual Meeting. This award is supported by Elsevier, publisher of Gray's Anatomy for Students.

Only members may submit a nomination. Nominees must be full-time or emeritus faculty members of accredited colleges or universities and AAA members.  The award committee will look for independent evidence of: (1) excellence in classroom teaching over a number of years at undergraduate, graduate, or professional levels; (2) commitment to the improvement of teaching within the candidate's own institution; and (3) contributions to anatomical science education at the local community, national or international levels. 
Nomination of women and minorities is encouraged.

The nominator must submit the nomination form and a letter of support outlining the qualifications of a nominee. Each nominee is then asked to submit the remaining documentation (see Award Guidelines and Criteria above) by August 15. Only nominations that are complete and received on time will be considered.

Documents required for the Henry Gray Distinguished Educator Medal nomination should clearly and concisely reflect the nominee's accomplishments (See Award Guidelines and Criteria above).

Any nominee not chosen for an award is automatically considered for the award by the next two consecutive award committees. It is the nominator's responsibility to update or augment the nomination materials, if appropriate, prior to the next year's deadline.