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Regional Meeting Abstract

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Submit an abstract for the 2017 Regional Meeting
November 4, 2017
Duquesne University
Pittsburgh, PA

Deadline – October 2, 2017

Abstracts received by October 2nd will be considered for poster presentations. Notifications will be sent by Oct 12th.  If you are traveling from out of state and need approval sooner (for travel funding) then please email AAA to request early approval after you submit your abstract.  Review the list of topics below and decide where your work fits in. You must register for the Regional Meeting in order to be programmed.  Each registration includes one free abstract submission. Please review the Rules and Guidelines before submitting an abstract.

NO revision of the abstract is available after submission. Therefore, please review your abstract carefully before submitting.

Full abstracts will only be available in the printed program and online (PDF) on our website.  They will not be published in any of our Journals.

For questions e-mail AAA  or call 301-634-7907.

Abstract Topics

·         Anatomy Education

·         Cell and Molecular Biology

·         Development and Growth

·         Gross Anatomy   

·         Histology

·         Imaging

·         Developmental Biology/Embryology

·         Neurobiology

·         Physiology​