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Fellow of the American Association of Anatomists - 2017 Nominations

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The rank of Fellow of the American Association of Anatomists (FAAA) is designed to honor distinguished members who have demonstrated excellence in science and in their overall contributions to the anatomical sciences. Fellows receive a certificate and a lapel pin. They will be recognized at the Annual Awards Banquet.

Members who have demonstrated outstanding scholarship, whether as excellence in research or teaching, are eligible to be named an AAA Fellow. Service to the society will also be considered, but is not mandatory. Those interested can self-nominate or can be nominated by a colleague who is also a member. Applications will be reviewed by a Fellows Selection Committee.

The criteria are: 

  • Membership in AAA for 4 or more years

  • Evidence of outstanding scholarship

  • Statement of service or contributions to AAA

  • In addition, a complete CV needs to accompany the application

Nomination of women and minority candidates is encouraged.

By December 1, a nominator must submit a CV of a nominee. Only nominations that are received on time will be considered. At any given time, no more than 10% of all eligible members may be at the Fellow rank.

Any nominee not chosen for an award is automatically considered for the award by the next two consecutive Fellow committees. It is the nominator's responsibility to update or augment the nomination materials, if appropriate, prior to the next year's deadline.