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Early-Career Publication Award

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The Young Anatomist’s Publication Award was created in 1999 to recognize the best manuscripts by young anatomists in the Society’s journals: The Anatomical Record, Anatomical Sciences Education, or Developmental Dynamics.

Students, postdocs, and assistant professors without tenure who are first or last author (assuming the last author is laboratory director) on a paper published in the calendar year preceding the presentation of the award. Applicants must have joined AAA prior to submitting their application and paid their dues for the year in which the award will be presented, and must travel to the Annual Meeting to accept the award. Review articles are not eligible. 

Eligible applicants should submit the attached form to the National Office, including the publication reference and verification of their student or faculty status at the time of publication.

Level of support
The selected applicants will receive a $1000 honorarium and up to $1750 in travel support to attend the Annual Meeting, along with a ticket to the closing awards dinner at which the award will be presented. Recipients will be notified in late February.

Judging criteria
Members of the Young Anatomists Publication Award Committee will judge the award based on the criteria listed below.  Scoring (1= lowest; 5 = highest) will be tabulated and averaged, with the highest average score being declared the winner.  Average scores will be use in case one or more judges are excused due to a conflict of interest.

Eligibility Requirements
You must meet all of the following criteria to apply for this award:
Student, postdoc, or assistant professors without tenure.
First or last author (assuming the last author is laboratory director) on a paper published in The Anatomical Record, Anatomical Sciences Education or Developmental Dynamics in the calendar year preceding the presentation of the award.   Review articles are not eligible.
Joined or renewed prior to submitting application.
Plan to attend the AAA Annual Meeting at EB to accept the award.