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Short-term Visiting Scholarships - June 2019

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The Short-term Visiting Scholarship Program is intended to provide travel expenses for members to facilitate visiting a laboratory or participating in a course outside their home institution.  The Scholarship consists of up to $1,000 in travel support.  The program will cover up to twelve (12) scholarships per year.
Deadline dates:  June1, October 1 and February 1

Scholarship Requirements and Elgibility
Applicants must be members 
for one year prior to application deadline and are expected to remain a member for at least one year after the scholarship is awarded. 
Funding cannot be used to attend a meeting or conference.  Each Scholarship is intended for a short-term (typically, 1-8 week) visit to a laboratory or participation in a course outside the applicant’s home institution.

Selection Process
Applicants must submit proposals electronically, via the linked application form by the deadline dates (see Proposal Guidelines and Criteria above - Download PDF)

As a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering scientific research, education, and the dissemination of scientific information, it is our policy not to pay overhead or indirect costs.