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Young Investigator Awards - 2017 Nominees

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Beginning with nominations made in 2008, AAA’s Young Investigator Awards combine three long-standing AAA awards with a new award to recognize investigators in the early stages of their careers who have made important contributions to biomedical science through their research in cell/molecular biology, developmental biology, comparative neuroanatomy, or the morphological sciences. Candidates should be within 10 years of their highest earned degree at the time of nomination. It is not necessary that nominators or nominees be AAA members. 
New for 2016 -
Awards eligibility career disruption policyClick here for details.
Nomination of women and minorities is encouraged.

R.R. Bensley Award in Cell Biology
This award, first given in 1979, recognizes a cell biologist who has made a distinguished contribution to the advancement of anatomy through discovery, ingenuity, and publications in the field of cell biology. The successful candidate will be an independent cell biologist whose publications have had substantial impact on his/her field.

C.J. Herrick Award in Neuroanatomy
Established in 1962, this award recognizes investigators who have made important contributions to the field of comparative neuroanatomy and have demonstrated remarkable promise of future accomplishments. The area of comparative neuroanatomy is defined broadly; previous awardees are outstanding scientists who have made contributions to areas of neuroscience, including neurochemistry, development, neurocytology, neuroendocrinology, neurophysiology, and molecular neurobiology.

H.W. Mossman Award in Developmental Biology
This award was established in 2001 to recognize investigators in the early stages of their careers who have made important contributions to the field of developmental biology, as broadly defined, and have demonstrated remarkable promise of future accomplishments.

AAA Morphological Sciences Award
This award was established in 2008 to recognize investigators in the early stages of their careers who have made important contributions to biomedical science through research in the morphological sciences, as broadly defined, and have demonstrated remarkable promise of future accomplishments.

AAA Young Investigator Award recipients will present a lecture at the AAA Annual Meeting following their selection and will receive:

  • A plaque
  • A $1,000 honorarium
  • Travel reimbursement (up to $1500)
  • Two years free membership in the American Association of Anatomists (and two years free membership for winning non-member nominators)
  • Two years free registration (at early registration rate) at the AAA Annual Meeting/EB meeting, including the year of the award


The person making the nomination only needs to submit:

  1. Completed Award Nomination Form
  2. Curriculum vitae of the nominee (NIH biosketch format preferred)
  3. Detailed letter of recommendation that addresses the following:
  • The significant research contribution(s) made by the nominee and why it is considered significant.
  • Why the nominee's potential and current work is viewed as especially promising.
  • The ability of the nominee to give a lecture that is dynamic, engaging, and readily understood by scientists across various subdisciplines.
  • The date on which the nominee’s advanced professional degree was awarded.