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If this is your first time using the American Association for Anatomy Awards and Proposal submission site you will need to complete the registration process the first time you apply for an award, submit an abstract or session proposal, or apply for a committee.

Anatomy Training Program Applications - 2019-2020

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Applicants are required to submit the following materials as part of their application:

  • Applicant CV (using 4 page NIH format)
  • Applicant Personal Statement
  • Mentor CV (using 4 page NIH format)
  • Mentor Teaching Portfolio
  • 1 page summary of dissection facilities specifically available to the applicant
  • 1 page summary of specific teaching opportunities the applicant will be engaged in
  • Letter of approval signed by Department Head and Biomedical Research Advisor
  • Click here for Application Review Criteria
    Preference will be given to those with some experience in anatomy and a commitment to teaching, but have primarily trained in a biomedical field other than anatomy.