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Education Research Scholarship - October 2019

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The Education Research Scholarship is intended to support a member who is a graduate student in a mentored project, or a postdoctoral fellow or junior faculty member (rank no higher than assistant professor) who wishes to develop a project that shows promise as a model for improving the quality of teaching and learning in anatomical education. It is anticipated that the proposed project will help foster a learning environment for students that is characterized by creativity, originality, and rigor. The scholarship consists of $5,000, plus travel support and registration fee to the next appropriate Annual Meeting at Experimental Biology (EB).  The scholarship is supported by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Applicants must be members for the year in which they apply and through the completion of their scholarship project. 
Recipients are expected to to make a poster or oral presentation on the completed project at the Annual Meeting (EB).

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